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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Getting Your Home Ready to Sell

I have four low-cost tips to share today that will greatly improve your home’s saleability.

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I’d like to share four great tips for getting your home ready to sell this fall or spring that are both low cost and guaranteed to improve its overall saleability:

1. Stand at the curb and look at your house. The presentation right from the get-go is very important, so clean up the curb appeal. Take a look at any bushes that may need to be trimmed, put fresh mulch on the flower beds, and add a little bit of overall color.

2. Look at your front door. If you have chipped paint or hardware that doesn’t look great on the front door, go ahead and spend that $100 to replace it so it’s shiny. After you’re done making the front door appealing, turn around inside the front alcove of your home and inspect for things like cobwebs, spiderwebs, or more chipped paint. Buyers look for these things when your Realtor shows them your home.

3. Give the inside of your home a fresh coat of paint. Chances are, all those fingerprints and innocent little markings on the walls you think aren’t noticeable actually are. Nothing adds as much impact and erases those little blemishes better than a fresh coat of paint. Consider adding new carpeting as well. It’s a semi-big expense, but the visual effect it offers can’t be overstated.

4. Don’t forget the garage and attic. If you’ve got colonies of boxes stacked up in either area, now might be a good time to donate whatever’s in them to the Goodwill and get that tax deduction by the end of the year. Additionally, clean through your closets and get rid of any extra clothes you don’t need anymore.

Your home’s first impression is crucial.

Following these four steps can make a big difference in the saleability of your home. If you have any questions or have any video topics you’d like me to discuss, please feel free to give me a call, send me an email, or shoot me a text. I’d love to hear from you, and I hope you have a happy holiday!