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Monday, July 24, 2017

Closing on a Home Doesn’t Have to Take Very Long

How long does it take to close on a home? If you work with an experienced Realtor, you may be in that new house sooner than you think.

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Once you and your family have found the perfect home, how long does it take to close on the property?

The truth is, the hard part of the home buying process is finding the right home. If you and your Realtor have done a great job, you will already be pre-approved for your loan. If that’s the case, it’s really just between you and the seller to determine the closing date.

The mortgage company we work with can close a loan in just 14 days.

It is important that you work with an experienced Realtor who knows the importance of getting pre-approved. If you aren’t pre-approved, the closing process could take a bit longer.

An experienced agent will also know a great lender you can work with. The mortgage company that we usually work with can typically close a loan in just 14 days, so closing really doesn’t have to take that long.

If you have any other questions about buying a home or the closing process, just give me a call or send me an email. I may even answer your question with a video. I look forward to hearing from you!